Love Parenthood.

90 days to total confidence.

Hi mom! Hi dad!

If you are consistently feeling defeated in your parenting, and you want this to change, you are in the right place!

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Take my free quiz to get started by understanding your parenting strengths and areas for growth and transformation.

As see in

Hi, I’m Rachael.

I'm a parenting expert and the founder and parenthood coach for Parenting on Mars.

Parenting on Mars was built to share my belief that you can become the parent you always dreamed you would be. I work with parents who feel defeated and give them tools and parenting techniques so they can fall in love with parenthood. The work we do together will change your life and you’ll create a pattern that will repeat within your family lineage for generations to come.

Peaceful Connected Authentic

Peaceful Connected Authentic

a mother holding her child

At Parenting on Mars, our north star is a secure parent-child attachment relationship - The Empowered Parent Program is designed to get you there. In 90 days, you’ll shift to total confidence in parenthood. We’ll work to achieve this with approaches that are grounded in three core values.


We are committed to non-violence in our actions and in our words. We won’t always show up perfectly, and when we fall short, we repair.


Connection is at the core of all of our interactions with our children.  We respond to our children’s behaviors with curiosity instead of punishment. We look at the person inside and beneath the behavior.  We teach and guide our children.


We remain true to our values and we parent in a way that feels good in our bodies. We also understand that each child is an individual. We love them for who they are and parent them in a way that will best serve them.


  • We're for the parent who...

    is feeling stuck in a cycle of reacting to their child in ways that don't feel good or authentic.

    has been curious about gentle and conscious parenting but may be struggling with how it takes shape in their home.

    is committed to building a secure attachment with their child - and see the strength of that relationship over a lifetime.

    is doing the hard work of breaking generational patterns of parenting that aren't best serving their child.

  • There is a lot of amazing information and books out there. And while a good read can have an impact, a parent coach can help you integrate the practice of peaceful and connected parenting in your own life and unique family. This process is as much about the information as it is about your internal world and experiences. It makes all the difference.

  • Absolutely. Your relationship with your child is just that - yours! Research shows us that a child needs at least one caregiver in which they are securely attached in order to thrive in adulthood and life. It can be a challenge to differ from your co-parent, but I assure you your child will benefit immensely from your commitment to build a secure attachment.

  • Not at all. We believe that when parents and caregivers are the grounded, safe, and secure leaders for their children, consequences occur naturally. Discipline can exist without punishment - and this feels good for children and parents alike.

  • This work is not intended to alter certain undesirable behaviors in children. Instead, we look at behavior as communication and dig into what might be going on beneath the surface (i.e. developmental age, unmet physical needs, connection needs, environmental context).